health literacy

Health Literacy: In relation to health the HESC Team develops and facilitates various nutrition programmes and activities at the HESC, in state and non-state schools and other community entities. HESC produces, publishes and distributes nutrition education resources; plans interventions to promote healthy lifestyles; supports educational entities and tuck shop operators in promoting and implementing nutrition guidelines, policies and regulations; contributes to the design and implementation of nutrition-related objectives and action plans in schools; advises and supports teachers, school administrators, college co-ordinators and other entities in organising nutrition activities; builds networks with food manufacturers, importers and distributors which sponsor healthy events; conducts food product analysis to advise on the distribution of food and beverage items in educational entities; collaborates and builds alliances with the different sectors and stakeholders to ensure that school heathy eating and physical activity action plans are implemented and sustained; advocates for health in order to achieve health outcomes in the school setting and in the community at large.